Project Management Deep Dive: Tasks & Phases

The building blocks for a stress free studio
Updated: 04 September 2024

Let’s dive into two seemingly simple but surprisingly powerful features of our new Studio Management tools: Tasks and Phases.


Tasks: The Building Blocks of Effortless Studio Management

Think of Tasks as your project's DNA. They're the essential elements that when combined effectively, bring your project to life. Here's why you'll love using Tasks:

  • Crystal Clear Communication: With detailed task cards, your team will always know what needs to be done, by whom, and when. No more confusion or missed deadlines!
  • Flexibility at Your Fingertips: Whether you prefer a visual Kanban-style board, a timeline, or a straightforward list view, you can manage tasks your way. Drag and drop in the Board view or use quick actions in the List view – it's project management that adapts to the ever-changing needs of interior designers.
  • Everything in One Place: Attach files, add comments, and create subtasks all within a single task card. It's like having a mini project hub for each piece of work, ensuring all relevant information is just a click away.
  • Progress at a Glance: With easy-to-update statuses and progress bars for subtasks, you and your team can instantly see how projects are advancing.

Pro Tip: Use the Key Dates feature for important milestones like handover dates. These will stand out in your timeline, helping you and your team stay focused on critical deadlines.


Phases: Your Project's Roadmap to Success

Phases are the secret sauce to keeping complex projects organized and on schedule. Here's why Phases will become your new best friend:

  • Bird's Eye View: Break your project into distinct stages, giving you and your team a clear overview of the entire project lifecycle. It's like having a roadmap for your project's journey!
  • Improved Resource Management: By assigning tasks to specific phases, you can easily see where your team's efforts are focused. This insight helps in balancing workloads and ensuring smooth project flow.
  • Flexible Timeline Management: Need to adjust your project timeline? With Phases, you can easily shift entire stages of your project, automatically updating all associated tasks.

Pro Tip: Create a set of standard phases that reflect your typical project lifecycle. You can quickly apply these to new projects, saving time and ensuring consistency across your studio's work.


The Magic of Combining Tasks and Phases

When you bring Tasks and Phases together, you're creating a project management powerhouse. Here's what you can achieve:

  1. Seamless Workflow: Assign tasks to specific phases to create a natural flow of work. Your team will always know what to focus on next.
  2. Predictable Timelines: By organizing tasks within phases, you can more accurately estimate project durations and set realistic client expectations.
  3. Easy Progress Tracking: Quickly see which phases are complete, in progress, or upcoming. It's a great way to keep stakeholders informed without drowning them in details.
  4. Improved Team Collaboration: With a clear project structure, team members can easily see how their work fits into the bigger picture, fostering better collaboration and alignment.


Getting Started is a Breeze

Setting up Tasks and Phases is intuitive and user-friendly. You can create tasks from the Board or List view, and set up phases either when creating a task or from settings within a project.

Once your Tasks and Phases are setup, learn about the various Views available for Programa's Studio Management.


Table of contents
  1. Studio WIP
  2. What else is new?
  3. What’s coming in February?
  4. Interior Design Software For Professional Interior Designers
    1. Information about how Programa handles your data
    2. Introduction
    3. Our Values<br />
    4. Why we process your information
    5. <br />Your rights over your information
    6. Where we transfer your information<br />
    7. How long do we retain your information
    8. Our use of advanced technologies<br />
    9. How we protect your information<br />
    10. How we use “cookies” and other tracking technologies<br />
    11. How you can reach us
    12. Types of data we collect and process<br />
    13. What Personal Data we receive<br />
    14. Retention
    15. Our purpose for using your personal data
    16. Disclosing your personal data<br />
    17. Changes to this Privacy Policy
    18. Additional Privacy Information for Brands & Suppliers<br />
    19. When and why we share your information with others
    20. Your rights over your information
    21. How long we retain your information
    22. Your customers’ information
    23. Additional Information about how we process data globally
    24. Processing data globally to fulfil our service obligations
    25. United States Regional Privacy Notice
    26. What information we collect and share about you
    27. Why we collect and share your Personal Information
    28. Sources of Personal Information
    29. How long we keep your information
  5. Streamlining the A&D industry – it’s about time.
  6. Recognized for Excellence in Design Software.
    1. Programa Interior Design Software: A Comprehensive Project Management and Collaboration Solution for Architects and Interior Designers
    2. User-friendly Interface and Tools for Seamless Project Management
    3. 30 August 2024
    4. 27 August 2024
    5. 22 August 2024
    6. 21 August 2024
    7. 20 August 2024
    8. 19 August 2024
    9. 16 August 2024
    10. 15 August 2024
      1. 1. Definitions
      2. 2. Details of Processing
      3. 3. European Union and United Kingdom
      4. 4. US Users / Consumers
      5. 5. General
      6. Appendix 1: Details of Processing
    11. What is a Spec Sheet?
    12. The Power of Programa
    13. Flexible Design Features
    14. Ease of Use
    15. Cost Savings
    16. Increased Productivity
    17. 09 April 2024
    18. 28 March 2024
    19. 22 March 2024
    20. The Issue
    21. The Result
    22. The Solution
    23. Latest Updates
    24. 26 June 2024
    25. 19 June 2024
    26. 18 June 2024
    27. 17 June 2024
    28. Challenges Faced by Designers in Procurement
    29. How designers can use Procurement Hub
    30. Built by and for designers
    31. 14 August 2024
    32. 12 August 2024
    33. 13 August 2024
    34. 07 August 2024
    35. 08 August 2024
    36. 09 August 2024
    37. 05 August 2024
    38. 01 August 2024
    39. Interior Design & Architecture Software For Professional Interior Designers & Architects
    40. What is FF&E in Interior Design?
    41. Why is FF&E Management Crucial?
    42. How Programa is Changing the FF&E Interior Design Software Game
    43. Why Programa Stands Out from Other FF&E Interior Design Software
    44. The Future of Interior Design with Programa
    45. How Tyler Aspen Edmonds Did It
    46. The Programa Advantage
    47. The Trade Portal Advantage
    48. 29 April 2024
    49. 24 April 2024
    50. 22 April 2024
  7. 16 April 2024
  8. 15 April 2024
  9. Other updates
    1. With Programa’s Purchase Orders, you can:
      1. <br />What’s New at Programa?
      2. <br />Looking Ahead: Upcoming Features
      3. <br />Pricing Update: Supporting Continuous Improvement
      4. <br />Thank You for Being Part of the Programa Community
    2. Special Offer for DYB Alumni
      1. Introduction to Programa
      2. Watch the Onboarding Webinar Recording
      3. Ready to Get Started?
      4. Explore Our Breakdown Videos
      5. Boost Your Profitability
      6. Save Time and Money, Manage Projects Efficiently
      7. Enhance Communication Across Your Studio
      8. The Future of Sales & Marketing for A&D
      9. Goodbye Guesswork - Real growth for A&D brands
      10. WOODCUT and AKI Design: A Success Story
      11. Register your brand, join the future of the A&D Industry
    3. Schedules Update:
    4. Client Dashboard & Brag Stats
    5. Pinboards Update
    6. Web Clipper Update
    7. On the Horizon
    8. Tasks: The Building Blocks of Effortless Studio Management
    9. Phases: Your Project's Roadmap to Success
    10. The Magic of Combining Tasks and Phases
    11. Getting Started is a Breeze
  • Integrations
Reading: Tasks & Phases, Project Management
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Project Management Deep Dive: Tasks & Phases

The building blocks for a stress-free studio

Managing a design studio doesn’t have to be overwhelming. With Programa’s new Studio Management tools—Tasks and Phases—you can streamline your project workflow and bring clarity to every stage of the process.


Tasks: The DNA of Project Management

Tasks are the foundation of every successful project. Here’s how Programa’s Tasks feature helps keep your projects organized:

  • Clear Communication: Assign tasks with deadlines, descriptions, and team member responsibilities so everyone knows what needs to be done.
  • Flexible Views: Manage tasks visually with Kanban-style boards, detailed lists, or timelines—whichever suits your workflow best.
  • All-in-One Management: Attach files, comments, and create subtasks within task cards to keep all project info in one place.
  • Instant Progress Updates: Track your team’s progress with status updates and subtasks, providing a clear view of project advancement.

Pro Tip: Use Key Dates for crucial milestones like client presentations or handover dates to keep your team focused on what matters most.

Phases: A Roadmap for Success

Phases take your project management to the next level by breaking down complex projects into manageable stages:

  • Overview & Clarity: Organize your projects into distinct phases, providing a clear view of the entire project lifecycle.
  • Balanced Resource Management: Assign tasks to specific phases to easily visualize where team efforts are concentrated.
  • Timeline Flexibility: Shift entire phases as timelines evolve, automatically adjusting associated tasks.

Pro Tip: Save time by creating standard phases that reflect your studio’s typical project lifecycle—easily apply these to new projects.


Bringing Tasks and Phases Together

The magic happens when Tasks and Phases combine, allowing you to:

  • Seamless Workflow: Assign tasks to phases for a smooth flow from start to finish.
  • Predictable Timelines: Accurately estimate project durations and set realistic expectations for clients.
  • Efficient Progress Tracking: See which phases are complete, in progress, or upcoming to keep stakeholders informed.
  • Enhanced Collaboration: With a clear project structure, your team can see how their work contributes to the overall project, fostering collaboration and alignment.

Getting Started is Easy

Setting up Tasks and Phases in Programa is user-friendly. You can create tasks from the Board or List view and assign phases from project settings. Need help? Our support team is always available via live chat to assist you in maximizing these features.

Transform your studio’s project management with Programa’s Tasks and Phases, and experience a more organized, stress-free workflow.