
Programa - 2024 Changelog

Stay up to date with what's been released and any changes in the platform.

23 July 2024


Programa for Designers

  • Integration testing for Invoices
  • Fix for Total Tax amounts not updating when toggling between Markup on and off.
  • (Coming soon) Project Management Tasks, Subtasks, Phases, etc. are also included when copying a project.
  • (Coming soon) Project management filtering by Team Members and Phases


Programa for Brands

  • Updates and changes to the CSV import now has better support for product data, images, attachments, and variants.
  • Tweaks for new Brand Directory work
  • Fix for (sub)brand profile when external link is missing

18 July 2024


Programa for Designers

  • (Coming soon) More Project Management tweaks
  • OTP work
  • Show both tax exclusive and inclusive prices for Schedule Product Details sidenav
  • Updates to Invoicing look and feel
  • (Coming soon) Programa Product AI help article links and more information.


Programa for Brands

  • Set default Sub-Brand banner image for existing Sub-brands until updated by the user. Any new Sub-brands created will require the user upload a banner image for that Sub-Brand
  • (Coming soon) Work on Collections
  • Tweaks to Quote Requests email template

12 July 2024


Programa for Designers

  • NEW ability to show Schedule Total amounts split out with and without tax (i.e. by Tax exclusive amount, Tax amount, and Tax Inclusive amount) in the main Schedule, Shared Schedules, PDF export, and Excel export.
  • In Project Management (coming soon):
    • Can create a phase under the project phases list.
    • 'Today' hotkey shortcut
    • Drag and drop
    • Fixes and tweaks to experience and page layout
  • Invoicing improvements (coming soon) - implemented pagination for invoices to only initially show fixed number of invoices rather than loading all.
  • Minor change to append the selected Trade Portal product to the end of the current list of products in the library.
  • Fixed success and error messages flashing twice.
  • (Coming soon) Programa Product AI popup feature for easier product selection and logic around when. it shows results
  • Display the selected tax rate on sent invoices page (so you know what Tax Rate you selected when sending the Invoice)
  • Improved tax display on the Invoice Page - it now shows 'No Tax rate selected' if no rates chosen when creating the invoice, and displays the applied tax rate in the 'Total Tax' label post saving.


Programa for Brands

  • NEW Product Details drawer when viewing the new My Products page (coming soon) giving Brands the ability to quickly see detailed product information. Includes ability to see available variants of a single parent product.
  • (Coming soon) Trade Portal Collections

09 July 2024


Programa for Designers

  • Fix for redundant checkboxes in Shared Schedules, and some visual tweaks to bulk select in Pinboards (i.e. overlapping of checkbox and section divider).
  • Improvement for general lag performance in Product Library by implementing pagination.
  • (Coming soon) Programa Product AI feature now provides more relevant suggestions based on the user
  • NEW Ability to view the details of an existing tax rates that was set in Programa (and the split if viewing a combo rate) through the global Tax Settings page (go to your studio Settings -> Invoices -> Tax Settings table)


Programa for Brands

  • Fix for Brand Profile pages where the product name/card shouldn't continuing stretching when name is too long
  • Fix for issue where the count of products on the brand Profile page did not match the actual number of visible products in the Trade Portal

05 July 2024


Programa for Designers

  • Fixed issue in Project Management (new) where users were unable to use the "search people" feature on Project Details sidenav in Board view without refreshing the page
  • Resolved error when selecting more than 15 members in Project Management
  • Project Details in Project Management now displays assigned team members in the Timeline view with a 'counter' bubble after 3 team members.
  • Cosmetic and styling fixes for attachments in Project Management Task cards.


Programa for Brands

  • Work on new Collections feature (coming soon)
  • Fixed issue where the profile dropdown in the side nav wasn't working properly when clicking into the Brand Profile from the dashboard.

04 July 2024


Programa for Designers

  • Project Management (coming soon)
    • Fix for automatically closing a task upon uploading an attachment, especially for images
  • Fixed issue with tax rates not saving/applying correctly in invoices

02 July 2024


Programa for Designers

  • Project Management (coming soon) - Ability to add team members to projects in Board view

Programa for Brands

  • Resolved issue causing product image grid to stop displaying in the new Brands directory
  • Updated the individual lead emails template
  • UI updates for the Brand and sub-Brand profile page
  • Fixes to demo link, plans page visibility, and upgrade call-to-action

01 July 2024


Programa for Designers

  • Project Management (coming soon)
    • Resolved issue where Tasks were not updating automatically after save
    • Fixed subtasks swaying effect, prevented deletion confirmation pop-up from opening on naming a subtask, and enabled viewing the latest number of subtasks without needing to refresh the page
    • Users can now scroll through long tasks and save them without any issues
    • Ability to edit and delete phases directly from the Project information sidenav, including updating phase name and timeframe
    • Fix for Task Target Date picker


Programa for Brands

  • Updated Plans for new plans launch
  • Fixed the issue where clicking "View all products" on Brand Profile page redirects to Latest Products tab instead of showing all products.

26 June 2024


Programa for Designers

  • Project Management (coming soon!)
    • Task delete confirmation
    • New Checklists in Tasks for Project Management - ability to easily add, complete, and remove checklist items in Task cards.
    • Ability to see team members assigned to a Task directly in Board view, with a max of 3 visible members and an indicator for additional hidden team members
    • New Key Date feature - Add and display important dates set on a task, and see it in the Timeline view
    • New ability to see the number of completed and total checklist items in Board and List View for each Task
    • Resolved issue where the project-timeline header overlapped with project management menu options.
    • Ability to display selected phases on task cards in Board view
    • Elegant handle of profiles pictures with no image set.
    • Added Task comments in Project Management with ability to add, view, and delete comments.
    • Tasks created in any swim lane now assumes the status of that swimlane, and not default to 'To Do'
    • Added search functionality to task attribute dropdowns
  • Fixed an issue where a blank page was generated at the end of Schedule Export PDF when terms and conditions were turned off before exporting
  • Fix to maintain scroll position after archiving or deleting photos in Pinboards.
  • Empty state for Schedules now provides clear call to actions for new users to easily navigate and add products.
  • Improved padding around the checkbox and resolved visibility/accessibility issues in Shared Schedules.
  • (Coming soon) Apple Signup and Login using your Apple credentials.
  • Added spinner in Task form to indicate when sending or saving data


Programa for Brands

  • Enhanced Get Started Page with new payment logic and streamlined onboarding steps
  • Improved accessibility for the Done button on the Supplier Company Edit detail side panel in Safari browser.
  • Search in new Brand Directory
  • Backend preparation for new Brands plans launch
  • New filter by category in Brands Directory
  • New Supplier Brand company page showcasing a snapshot of the Brands products and link to view the rest of those Brand's products.
  • Updated to new Brand Plan names
  • New "Jump to" carousel feature in Brands Directory

19 June 2024


Programa for Designers:

  • Project Management coming soon
    • Enhanced Timeline View now integrates Project and Phase data
  • Better validation messages when importing address book data
  • Improved Task form now resets when opening the modal for easier data entry.
  • Fixed Pinboards 'Move to Section' menu when bulk changing pins now displays all sections and is scrollable for improved user experience.


Programa for Brands

  • New ability to add a header image to your sub-Brand's profile (to be used if the sub-brand is a featured Brand in the new Brand Directory)
  • Revamped brand cards on the Brand Profile page

18 June 2024


Programa for Designers

  • Coming soon for Project Management
    • Start and stop timers directly from Task Cards with cumulative time tracking.
    • List View for Tasks in a Project, now displaying task details including status, phase, target date, team members, and recorded time.
  • Fixed the issue where invoice transaction fee amounts were not showing up in QuickBooks
  • New simple bulk actions in Image Library

17 June 2024


Programa for Designers

  • Ability to add and remove team members to/from a Task in Project Management, with the ability to select up to 50 members and search for them.
  • Ability to internally import schedule data from a template.
  • Resolved Time Tracking issue where time entries became unlinked from Board card: Users can now view previous time entries and create new entries as expected.
  • Fixed an issue with German month names.


Programa for Brands

  • Update Side Navigation panel access logic to align with new Brands Plans.
  • Add 'Featured Content' to Brand Profile which can be self-edited and updated.
  • New 'Featured Brands' section in Brands Directory including dynamic cards that either show Brand banner or associated Brand products.

13 June 2024


Programa for Designers

  • Fix for issue in Schedules to prevent field from losing focus and page jumping to the top when editing product line items.
  • Improved tax settings for transaction fees: Now, when selecting to pass on transaction fees to clients in an invoice, users can mark the fee as non-taxable with a new 'Is taxable?' toggle.
  • New simple bulk actions in Pinboards, including Move to section, Archive, and Delete. You can select multiple pins at a time or whole sections of pins.
  • Work on Project Management (coming soon)
  • Fix for issue where invoice line items were not appearing in QuickBooks due to names exceeding character limit. Line items should now transfer successfully.


Programa for Brands

  • Enhanced product card design on Brand Profile page with updated 'add to' button functionality for better Designer experience when browsing a Brand Profile.
  • Work on brands directory (coming soon)

07 June 2024


Programa for Designer

  • New Designer referral program within the product
  • Fixed Xero invoice saving issue for UK accounts.


Programa for Brands

  • New supplier subscription plans

06 June 2024


Programa for Designer

  • Fix for taxable line item status on Xero invoices which wasn't being carried across.
  • Fix for archived items triggering "Feedback required" flag - you now shouldn't see the 'Feedback Required' indicator if the item has been archived.
  • Fix for tax rates with commas in the name causing issues when selecting tax rates in the Project Settings.

04 June 2024


Programa for Designers

  • Fix for bug in select drop-downs
  • Fix for excel rows getting mixed up in export.
  • Ability to add a product to your Product Library from the Trade Portal when viewing a product's details.
  • Changes to the treatment of T&Cs in the Schedule PDF export - if you have company T&Cs and this is turned on for a Schedule, the Schedule PDF export will append any T&Cs in it's own page at the end of the document. The cover page will now tell you if there are any T&Cs in the document.


Programa for Brands

  • New Brand Profile improvements - company details + contact form
  • Trade Portal 'Supplier' facet for search/filters and profile links
  • Remove unnecessary and heavy non-indexed fields in Brand edit page
  • Add location filter to Product Match

30 May 2024


Programa for Designers

  • Continued work on Project Management (coming soon!)
  • Fix for PDF images that looked distorted
  • Fix for old sharing links still accessed via pdf downloads
  • Changed for location of T&Cs within PDF export, especially for large bodies of text.
  • Fix for QuickBooks sync job where the invoice doesn't exist in Stripe


Programa for Brands

  • Brands Dashboard tweaks

27 May 2024


Programa for Designers

  • Task Creation for Project Management (coming soon)
  • Tax figures in schedule are also included in excel export
  • Fix for importing QB tax rates once they are archived

24 May 2024


Programa for Designers

  • Updated 'book training session' link for designers
  • Increase terms and conditions font size
  • Product Library style updates for search, sort, filter section
  • Add Tax exclusive/inclusive labels on schedule totals (coming soon!)
  • Project Management timelines (coming soon!)
  • Changes to invoicing page for when only partial stripe setup has occurred.

23 May 2024



Product Library has gotten a little makeover!

  • New look and feel
  • For those with access to our Trade Portal (Australia and New Zealand only at the moment) ability to now 'Add' Trade Portal products to your Product Library. This utilises a similar experience as in Schedules, except it only searches for Trade Portal Products since you're already in Product Library.
  • Ability to see which products in your Product Library are from the Trade Portal
  • Ability to see when you imported those Trade Portal products (date stamp)
  • Fix for the invoice sidenav bar (when you're creating a new invoice) which was weirdly sitting behind the header section at the top of the page.


Programa for Designers

  • Fix for spec sheet Notes missing in PDF Export
  • Fixes for tax changes on Invoicing page (Tax coming soon!)
  • Fix for tax rate calculation when markup is toggled
  • Ability to toggle whether an item is taxable or not in Invoicing.
  • Changes to the 'Need Help' link in the designer sidebar
  • Experiment - Add products via Product Match flow
  • Fix for Invoice ready to send error
  • Add any missing tax rates to Quickbooks from Programa when Invoicing (coming soon!)
  • Fix for ensuring PDF export includes only filtered item attachments


Programa for Brands

  • Supplier subscription quantity shouldn't be updated
  • Fix for CSV Parser to correct dimensions order
  • Update TO email to new alias for brand operations mailer
  • Correct format for PriceFrom field for CSV product import
  • Filter products by date on new My Products page (coming soon!)
  • Company owner check on dry run CSV upload

16 May 2024


Programa for Designers:

  • Check for allowing only one connection at a time to an external accounting platform.
  • Fix for Quickbooks Invoice line item issue from trailing white spaces
  • Apply tax at Invoice level when connected to Quickbooks


Programa for Brands

  • Empty states for Activity Widget on Brand Dashboard (coming soon)

14 May 2024


Programa for Designers

  • Additional view in Project Management (coming soon)
  • File sorting on project page for Project Management (coming soon)
  • New tax rates used in Invoicing (coming soon)
  • Styling tweaks to left sidenav


Programa for Brands

  • Brands dashboard design tweaks (coming soon)
  • Add AWS Lambda Service and lint fixes
  • My Products page filter by category (coming soon)

09 May 2024


Programa for Designers

  • Work on tasks for projects in Project Management (coming soon)
  • Prep work for import from trade portal behaviour in product library (coming soon)
  • Duplicate check and alert for Doc Code field in Schedules (imminent)
  • Fix for issue with marking items as approved in summary tab making all other entries disappear
  • Fix for issue with Tax rates now being copied along with the project.
  • Added toggle for whether a product is taxable or not, to Product Library products


Programa for Brands

  • Change in Brand approval requests to now being sent to an email alias
  • New activity widget in Brands dashboard (coming soon)
  • Fix for Algolia limit overriding native pagination when viewing products in trade portal
  • Updates to Quote Requests templates to add schedule share details URLs to email carrier

03 May 2024


Programa for Designers

  • Fix for Pinboard share page JS error which may cause iOS/Safari failure
  • QuickBooks integration - ability to update, delete invoices (coming soon)
  • Fix for adding a supplier in Summary page causing a field to lose focus

02 May 2024


Programa for Designers

  • QuickBooks - Create invoice and add products (coming soon)
  • Fix for using correct dimensions for client dashboard cover image via crop tool
  • Changes to the sidebar for easier help access
  • Fix for misaligned 'Trade Discount' percentage icon when Tax is turned on


Programa for Brands

  • Fix for email CSV dry run
  • New filtering of products by status and Brand on new My Products page (coming soon)
  • New Brands Dashboard product analytics widget (coming soon)
  • Fix for Quote Requests email template

29 April 2024


Programa for Designers

  • Fix for selected Tax rates in Projects that weren't clearing/selecting properly
  • Suppliers are now alphabetised in Purchase Orders @cellina
  • Fix failed project validation with tax rates


Programa for Brands

  • Improved pagination on Products, Leads and Quote Requests pages
  • Fix for text issues in PDF export that was either too small or truncated
  • Fix so that Brand Profile sections respects subscription tiers
  • Update to admin csv dry run process to have the result file be sent via email
  • Added step to cleanup unused Product Option Value in CSV product upload flow

24 April 2024


Programa for Designers

  • Implementation of Tax feedback
  • Label in Price to include showing whether amount is inclusive or exclusive.
  • QuickBooks integration work continued - fetch or create products
  • Script for migrating tax rates from stripe on Go Live


Technical Updates and Programa for Brands

  • Correct timestamp format for archived leads
  • Update variant parsing logic for csv product uploads

22 April 2024


Programa for Designers

  • Ability to fetch tax rates and read/write contact details from QuickBooks when integration goes live
  • Added Turks & Caicos to available countries
  • Fix for issues with subscription billing and upgrading
  • Ability to see which rates were set as Default in Global tax settings
  • Better labelling in top summary bar in Schedules indicating whether rates are inclusive or exclusive


Technical Updates and Programa for Brands

  • Fix for product deletion process for Brands and Suppliers which was slow and non-performant
  • Additional test coverage for new functionality.
  • Ensuring retrieval of existing product option values return the same data type for brand CSV import

April 16 2024


Programa for Designers

  • Work on QuickBooks integration coming soon
  • Fix for truncated text in PDF exports
  • Work on Tax functionality coming soon.
  • Fix for the issue that prevented Org and Profile image upload in Settings
  • Removed the suggestion for searching by Tags in Pinboards
  • Fix for missing Navigation Buttons in Shared Schedules Lightbox
  • Fix for Procurement Hub error where it was switched on for user, but they were unable to access Procurement Hub.
  • Fix for export PDF in schedules where the notes field was not appearing in the exported Schedule PDF
  • Fix for the Schedule Filter dropdown labels which had an underscore

Programa for Brands

  • Visual tweaks to the left hand menu labels
  • Added search functionality to the new My Products page coming soon
  • Added a check to prevent re-uploading already existing documents on Products

15 April 2024



Ability for notes on products in Schedules to be hidden on PDF exports.

If you have any data within the 'Notes' section of a product, when generating a Schedule PDF (bulk select or entire schedule), you can select to not include this in your PDF Export. This is accessible from the sidenav options menu when you're exporting.


Other updates

Programa for Designers

  • System will ignore duplicate requests to copy the same project when a project copy job is already underway. There is no visual treatment to warn you, it will just ignore any duplicate requests.
  • Fix for removing products from the Client Dashboard Schedule thumbnail when marked as 'Hidden'.
  • Additional trigger for opening Intercom live chat when you access the help centre to better help you when you need it.

Programa for Brands

  • Product data carrier for upcoming Brands Dashboard

11 April 2024


Programa for Designers

  • Fixed an issue when entering a product with lengthy details in the schedule and sharing it to the client dashboard, the product details section gets cut off. Also fixes the label beneath to "description".
  • Fixed visual treatment for large numbers in the fields within Schedules
  • Fix for Suppliers in Schedules not updating properly and fix for when the supplier address field is too long
  • Fix for elements in the Schedule section line item
  • Reduced chance of errors when copying a schedule

Programa for Brands

  • New Insights tab in Products table coming soon
  • Improvement to CSV import template to remove Option Name and Option Value columns and derive them from either existing columns or new columns
  • Fix for the admin csv import dry run function

09 April 2024

See more of April



New 'Hidden' product status in Schedules.

You now have the ability to keep Product line items in schedules hidden from customers so you can focus on designing and less time worrying about what your customer sees. More specifically, any Product with 'Hidden' status will:

  • Be excluded from Client Dashboard and live links
  • Remain visible in your schedules the same as any other line item
  • Be excluded from financial totals (both section and schedule level).
  • Remain visible to select in Purchase Orders
  • Remain visible to select in Invoicing
  • Remain excluded from exports (bulk select, schedule and excel exports)

Other fixes

  • Fix for when the up and down arrow are spammed when viewing Product Details in Schedules, this resulted in ending up on the wrong product.
  • Fix to exclude certain countries from the invoice application fee due to Stripe limitations. Until Stripe supports application fees in Mexico, the plan unfortunately is to not add it to invoices.
  • Fix for localising Stripe processing fees that are being passed on and update to the calculation.
  • Fix for limiting the invoice item description field to 500 characters so that it doesn't break when the invoice is generated.
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Welcome to Programa's 2024 Changelog. Stay informed about the latest updates and changes to our platform, designed to enhance your experience and improve efficiency.

24 April 2024:

  • Programa for Designers: Implemented Tax feedback, including labels in Price to indicate whether the amount is inclusive or exclusive. Continued work on QuickBooks integration and script for migrating tax rates from Stripe on Go Live.
  • Technical Updates and Programa for Brands: Upgraded Hotwire Turbo, fixed W3C FORM compliance for schedule section, corrected timestamp format for archived leads, updated Stripe price IDs, and added locators for schedule financial spec.

22 April 2024:

  • Programa for Designers: Enhanced ability to fetch tax rates and read/write contact details from QuickBooks, added Turks & Caicos to available countries, and fixed issues with subscription billing and upgrading.
  • Technical Updates and Programa for Brands: Improved product deletion process, removed project page loading spinner, deprecated FetchLeads in favor of ProspectCarrier, and added more test coverage for new functionality.

April 16 2024:

  • Programa for Designers: Worked on QuickBooks integration, fixed issues with truncated text in PDF exports, and addressed various bugs and improvements.
  • Programa for Brands: Made visual tweaks to the left-hand menu labels, added search functionality to the new My Products page, and implemented checks to prevent re-uploading existing documents on products.

April 15 2024:

  • Highlight: Ability for notes on products in Schedules to be hidden on PDF exports.
  • Other updates: Various fixes and improvements for both Programa for Designers and Programa for Brands.

April 11 2024:

  • Programa for Designers: Fixed issues with lengthy product details in schedules, visual treatment for large numbers, and updates for suppliers in schedules.
  • Programa for Brands: Introduced a new Insights tab in Products table, improved CSV import template, and fixed various technical issues.

April 9 2024:

  • Highlight: New 'Hidden' product status in Schedules to keep certain items hidden from customers.
  • Other fixes: Various bug fixes and technical improvements to enhance platform stability and performance.

Stay tuned for more updates and improvements as we continue to evolve Programa to meet your needs.