To Do, To Done: Your Projects in a Glance

The Only Project Management Tool You Need
Updated: 04 September 2024

With the recent Studio update in Programa, we’ve introduced powerful tools to streamline project management and give your team greater visibility and control over every phase of your work.

In this article, we’ll explore two key features: Task Management and Phases, and how they integrate across project-specific boards and your Studio view, giving you an overarching perspective. Mastering these features will immediately enhance your studio’s project management capabilities.

Getting Started is Easy

Create tasks from the Board or List view and set up phases when creating tasks or from the project settings.

Just a reminder, if you need help throughout any task creation, our support team is always available through live chat in the app.

Blank Task Card View

Task Management: Keeping Every Detail in Check

Programa’s new Task Management views let you easily create, assign, and track tasks across your projects. Here’s what you can do:

  • Customizable Tasks: Add details like Task Name, Description, Assigned Team Members, Target Dates, Phases, Attachments, Subtasks, and Comments. This ensures every aspect of your project is documented and easy to access.
  • Task Dashboards: View all your tasks in a clean, organized dashboard that shows you what’s in progress, completed, or pending.
  • Dynamic Views: Switch between Board View, List View, and Timeline View to see your tasks from different perspectives, helping you stay on top of every project stage.

Pro Tip: Use dynamic views to customize how you visualize project tasks, ensuring you’re always focusing on the most critical elements.

Select and Edit your Design Phases

Phases: Breaking Down Your Projects

Phases allow you to break down your projects into distinct stages, making it easier to manage progress and ensure smooth transitions between each phase of the project lifecycle. With Phases, you can:

  • Define Clear Milestones: Organize your project into manageable parts that help you track progress from concept to completion.
  • Task Association: Link specific tasks to project phases to keep your team aligned on what needs to be done and when.
  • Project Timeline View: Use the Timeline View to see the entire project schedule and easily adjust deadlines as needed.

Pro Tip: Combine Phases with Task Management to create a comprehensive, structured workflow that’s easy to track and adjust in real time.

Completed Task Card

Combining Studio & Task Management for Optimal Workflow

By leveraging both Task Management and Phases, you’re creating a powerful, fully integrated system that allows for seamless project management:

  • Team Collaboration: Everyone knows exactly what needs to be done and when. You can assign tasks, track progress, and adjust priorities in real-time.
  • Clear Communication: Keep your team aligned without the need for constant status meetings. The new Studio view lets everyone stay updated on progress.
  • Data-Driven Decision Making: Over time, you’ll collect valuable data on task durations and workflow patterns, allowing you to improve resource management and forecasting for future projects.

Getting Started: Setting Up Your Tasks & Phases

To get started with the new Task Management and Phases features:

  • Open Your Project, and select the project-specific Project Management board.
  • Add Tasks by clicking the “+ Add Task” button. Customize with details like due dates, task phases, and team member assignments.
  • Assign Phases to your project tasks. Select the relevant phase from the dropdown menu to keep everything organized by stage.

Bringing it all together.

Next, we run through how you can bring everything together with Project Phases.

  • Project Management
Reading: To Do, To Done, Project Management
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