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The World’s Leading Specification Software

Updated: 03 July 2024

Are you overwhelmed with the endless spreadsheets, documents, and software you use to manage your architectural or design projects? If you answered yes, then you’re not alone; hundreds of designers we surveyed while building Programa expressed the same thing as their number one frustration with technology in delivering projects. With advanced scheduling capabilities and real-time access to specifications and schedules, Programa ensures you, your team and your clients stay on top of your project’s progress.

Programa’s scheduling and specification features are seamlessly integrated across our tools, from idea to procurement, allowing you to focus on the tasks without requiring time-consuming data entry.

Find time to design again, without needless data entry.

Imagine organising all your project materials in one centralised location. Programa’s product library consolidates all your materials, fixtures, furniture (or whatever your specification needs) into one centralised location, providing easy access and reuse of specifications and other product information. You no longer need to spend hours sifting through multiple documents to find what you want. You can easily search by keyword, manufacturer or product name to find the information you need quickly and efficiently. Use the Web Clipper to add products from anywhere online to your project’s product schedule or your studio’s Product Library. Add custom specs and attachments like installation instructions for a complete overview of a product.

The Programa Product Library

Instant Sharing, Seamless Collaboration

Designs aren’t just about visuals; they’re also about communication. Programa understands this, which is why it’s made sharing your design concepts and specifications effortlessly easy. With just a click, access live views across mood boards, specifications, and other design aspects. These aren’t just any views; they’re dynamic, real-time, and designed to facilitate collaboration.

Whether it’s your design team, suppliers, tradespeople, or clients, everyone can have customised access to the project’s specifications and schedules. This means everyone is on the same page, making misunderstandings and miscommunications a relic of the past. In the age of remote work and global collaborations, Programa’s specification software proves to be an indispensable asset.

Presenting your design concepts and specifications professionally and with good design is essential for impressing clients and securing project and product approval. Share specifications in a click with Programa’s shareable live views across specification, mood boards and more. These features facilitate seamless collaboration with your team, suppliers, trades and clients by providing customisable, real-time access to project specifications and schedules. Programa’s specification software ensures smooth communication and lets all parties stay informed and aligned throughout the project. Make version control issues a thing of the past as Programa’s specification features guarantee seamless communication, keeping everyone informed and on the same page at all stages of the project.

Share always up-to-date, custom views of your projects and specifications.

Customisation at its Best

In the realm of design, individuality reigns supreme. Understanding the multifaceted demands of various design studios, Programa emerges as a dynamic tool rather than a static, one-size-fits-all solution. It celebrates the fact that each project, studio, and stakeholder group is unique, offering a plethora of customization features that allow you to fine-tune its functionalities to match your specific requirements.

With Programa, you’re in the driver’s seat. Whether you’re preparing a presentation for an initial client meeting, conducting a midpoint review, or preparing for a final project handover, the software ensures you present just the right amount of information, tailored to your audience. By giving you the power to control what your stakeholders view, Programa allows you to keep certain elements under wraps until you’re ready to unveil them, ensuring each phase of your project gets the spotlight it deserves.

Streamlined communication enables stress free creativity

For designers and architects aiming for perfection in every aspect of their projects, Programa’s specification software is a must-have. It offers a harmonious blend of functionality, flexibility, and finesse, ensuring your projects are presented impressively and managed efficiently. Embrace the future of design specifications by starting Programa free today.

Table of contents
  1. Information about how Programa handles your data
  2. Introduction
  3. Our Values<br />
  4. Why we process your information
  5. <br />Your rights over your information
  6. Where we transfer your information<br />
  7. How long do we retain your information
  8. Our use of advanced technologies<br />
  9. How we protect your information<br />
  10. How we use “cookies” and other tracking technologies<br />
  11. How you can reach us
  12. Types of data we collect and process<br />
  13. What Personal Data we receive<br />
  14. Retention
  15. Our purpose for using your personal data
  16. Disclosing your personal data<br />
  17. Changes to this Privacy Policy
  18. Additional Privacy Information for Brands & Suppliers<br />
  19. When and why we share your information with others
  20. Your rights over your information
  21. How long we retain your information
  22. Your customers’ information
  23. Additional Information about how we process data globally
  24. Processing data globally to fulfil our service obligations
  25. United States Regional Privacy Notice
  26. What information we collect and share about you
  27. Why we collect and share your Personal Information
  28. Sources of Personal Information
  29. How long we keep your information
  30. Wish there was a way to grow sales and better connect with clients?
  31. Why Does This Matter To Me As A Brand / Supplier?
  32. What Does That Translate To?
  33. How Does the Trade Portal Work?
  34. <strong>How Will It Solve My Problems?</strong>
    1. What does the Trade Portal Offer?
    2. What will it be like day to day?
    3. The Trade Portal Advantage
    4. The Importance of Project Management in Interior Design
    5. Tips for Becoming a Better Interior Designer
    6. Real-World Examples of Successful Project Management in Interior Design
    7. Interior Design Software For Professional Interior Designers
    8. The Issue
    9. The Result
    10. The Solution
    11. Latest Updates
    12. Interior Design & Architecture Software For Professional Interior Designers & Architects
    13. Client Portal
    14. Client Communication
    15. Rebranding
    16. Client Testimonial
    17. Software Solution
    18. Streamlining Complexities and Enhancing Collaboration
    19. Managing Multiple Projects with Conflicting Deadlines and Resourcing Needs
    20. Communicating with Clients, Contractors, and Suppliers
    21. Sourcing Materials and Products
    22. Resolving Conflicts and Addressing Challenges
    23. Streamlining Project Management with Programa’s Studio WIP: A Cross-Project Management Solution
    24. Enhancing Communication and Collaboration with Programa’s Client Dashboard
    25. Leveraging Programa’s Cloud-Based Specifications for Efficient Material and Product Sourcing
    26. Take Control of Your Studio Today
    27. 26 June 2024
    28. 19 June 2024
    29. 18 June 2024
    30. 17 June 2024
    31. Task Management: Keeping Every Detail in Check
    32. Phases: Breaking Down Your Projects
    33. Combining Studio & Task Management for Optimal Workflow
    34. Getting Started: Setting Up Your Tasks & Phases
    35. Bringing it all together.
    36. <strong><strong>1. Follow A Clearly Defined Process</strong></strong>
    37. <strong>2. Create a Detailed Scope of Work</strong>
    38. <strong><strong>3. Set Clear Boundaries</strong></strong>
    39. <strong>4. Document Everything Thoroughly</strong>
    40. <strong>5. Be Clear on the Limit of your Management Services</strong>
    41. <strong>6. Communicate Regularly</strong>
    42. <strong>7. Action Breakdowns Immediately</strong>
    43. <strong>8. See It Through</strong>
    44. The Shortcomings of Conventional Tools for Interior Designers
    45. Breaking Away from Tradition with Programa
    46. From FF&E to beautiful client comms with Programa.
    47. The Trade Portal places your brand front and center before A&D professionals
    48. Your name in lights alongside some of the biggest in the industry
    49. Your dream clientele, actively procuring
    50. Working directly with Architects and Interior Designers
    51. Programa’s Trade Portal and high quality leads
    52. Partnership
    53. It Makes Sense
    54. Key Benefits of the Programa and IDS Partnership
    55. About Programa
    56. About the Interior Design Society
    57. Recognized for Excellence in Design Software
    58. Fixed Image Layouts
    59. Web Clipper Scraper
    60. Hyperlinked URLs
    61. Improved Notes Visibility in Presentation Mode
    62. Pinboards & Client Dashboard Integration
    63. 20 September 2024
    64. 19 September 2024
    65. 17 September 2024
    66. The Range
    67. Installation
    68. Service
    69. Support
    70. The impracticalities of using generic software
    71. Enter Programa.
    72. Remove unnecessary stress and double handling with Programa:
    73. How are you using Programa?
    74. What challenges did the platform help overcome in a recent project?
    75. Instant Sharing, Seamless Collaboration
    76. Customisation at its Best
Reading: The World’s Leading Specification Software, undefined
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Unlock efficiency and creativity in your design projects with Programa, the premier specification software updated on 20 March 2024. Say goodbye to the hassle of spreadsheets and disjointed documents. Programa is designed to streamline your architectural and interior design projects from conception to procurement. Featuring advanced scheduling, real-time access to specifications, and a centralized product library, it enables seamless collaboration and instant sharing across your team and clients. Discover how Programa transforms project management, allowing more time for design and less for data entry. Start your free trial today and experience stress-free project management tailored to the unique needs of designers and architects.