In Practice:
COOOP by Design Partnership

Design Comes Last,
People Come First
Sydney, Australia2023-11-29
Sydney, Australia2023-11-29

Design For Behaviour

Design comes last, People come first.

Callie van der MerweDirector

Founded in 1997 in South Africa, Design Partnership, led by Callie van der Merwe, evolved into COOOP in 2023, expanding its reach to Australia and Dubai with a focus on human-centred design. COOOP’s “Design for Behaviour” methodology, rooted in neuro-architecture, blends design with human emotional and cognitive responses, achieving deep aesthetic and behavioural resonance.

This approach, emphasising sustainability and local sourcing, balances creativity and functionality, marking COOOP as a leader in innovative design and the subject of an upcoming TV documentary.

Utilising the Web Clipper for capturing specifications has been a significant advantage. We've grown accustomed to its speed and efficiency. Clipping, rather than manually typing out specifications, has noticeably quickened our render briefs and project documentation stages.

Roberto ZambriAssociate

Programa has become a central hub for all project-related information, simplifying collaboration and communication. Its role in facilitating interactions among team members, clients, and suppliers has led to improved project management and coordination.

Roberto ZambriAssociate

Programa in COOOP’s Current Operations

Since integrating Programa into their operations, COOOP has experienced a revolution in project management and workflow efficiency. Programa serves as a centralised system for managing specifications, tasks, and time tracking, streamlining the journey from design conception to construction. This integration has significantly reduced the time dedicated to technical drawing specifications, enabling quicker material approvals and modifications, thereby accelerating project timelines.

A testament to Programa’s impact is evident in a recent restaurant project undertaken by COOOP (To be released soon). From initial design briefings to material specifications, Programa’s live update feature allowed for swift management of changes, ensuring a seamless workflow and enhanced transparency throughout the project lifecycle.

Our international teams appreciate the effectiveness of Programa's Schedules, especially the convenience of having our suppliers' contact information and direct links to products on their websites.

Calvin Janse van VuurenAssociate

The Address Book has been crucial in consolidating all our trusted suppliers into one easily accessible location. It has transformed our database from being scattered across various business cards, cell phones, and notebooks to being online and up-to-date.

Roberto ZambriAssociate

Enhancing Client Communications with Programa

The integration of Programa’s Client Dashboard has markedly improved COOOP’s communication with clients, particularly in projects spanning Australia and the Middle East. Its live functionality provides up-to-date schedules and fosters efficient interactions, enhancing transparency and streamlining the decision-making process.

The real test for us will come when we use this for the hotel and luxury skyscraper projects we're working on. It will be a game changer, as for these types of buildings we usually submit packs of printed schedules, which are hard to manage efficiently on such large-scale projects.

Roberto ZambriAssociate
Italian Street Kitchen - Parramatta NSW
Italian Street Kitchen - Parramatta NSW

The simplicity of the schedules really makes a difference for us. They've helped in simplifying and streamlining our drawing standards, making them easier to manage across various projects.

Calvin Janse van VuurenAssociate

Cultivating a Collaborative and Creative Studio Culture

At the core of COOOP’s studio culture is a deep-seated commitment to trust, respect, and collaboration. This ethos is fundamental in creating spaces that resonate with users on an emotional level. Collaboration is not just a practice but the heartbeat of COOOP’s operations, engaging clients, co-creators, and contractors in a journey that prioritises human experience above all.

Try Programa for free with a 7 day trial

Try Programa for free with a 7 day trial

Join the world’s best studios

Unveiling COOOP: Innovators in Design

Experience the evolution of Design Partnership into COOOP, a pioneering design studio founded in South Africa in 1997 and reaching Australia and Dubai in 2023. Led by visionary Callie van der Merwe, COOOP redefines interior design through its human-centric ethos and innovative methodologies. Explore COOOP's journey towards design excellence and sustainability, paving the way for a forthcoming TV documentary.

Design for Behaviour: A Signature Methodology

Delve into COOOP's groundbreaking "Design for Behaviour" methodology, a fusion of Design Thinking and Behavioural Design. Witness how COOOP crafts environments that stimulate desired human behaviors, blending functionality with creativity. Discover how this approach, rooted in neuro-architecture, shapes sustainable and emotionally resonant spaces, setting COOOP apart as a leader in innovative design.

Empowering Operations with Programa

Join COOOP's transformative journey with Programa, a central hub revolutionizing project management and communication. Witness how Programa streamlines collaboration among international teams, clients, and suppliers, enhancing efficiency and transparency. Learn how COOOP leverages Programa's features, from integrated schedules to the Address Book, to elevate project coordination and client communication to new heights.

Cultivating Collaborative Culture

Explore the heart of COOOP's studio culture, anchored in trust, respect, and collaboration. Discover how collaboration fuels COOOP's mission to prioritize human experience in every design endeavor. Witness testimonials from associates, highlighting the impact of Programa on streamlining processes and simplifying workflow standards.