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Release Notes - Start of July 2024

Stay up to date with what's recently been released in July.
Updated: 25 July 2024

12 July 2024


Programa for Designers

  • NEW ability to show Schedule Total amounts split out with and without tax (i.e. by Tax exclusive amount, Tax amount, and Tax Inclusive amount) in the main Schedule, Shared Schedules, PDF export, and Excel export.
  • In Project Management (coming soon):
    • Can create a phase under the project phases list.
    • 'Today' hotkey shortcut
    • Drag and drop
    • Fixes and tweaks to experience and page layout
  • Invoicing improvements (coming soon) - implemented pagination for invoices to only initially show fixed number of invoices rather than loading all.
  • Minor change to append the selected Trade Portal product to the end of the current list of products in the library.
  • Fixed success and error messages flashing twice.
  • (Coming soon) Programa Product AI popup feature for easier product selection and logic around when. it shows results
  • Display the selected tax rate on sent invoices page (so you know what Tax Rate you selected when sending the Invoice)
  • Improved tax display on the Invoice Page - it now shows 'No Tax rate selected' if no rates chosen when creating the invoice, and displays the applied tax rate in the 'Total Tax' label post saving.


Programa for Brands

  • NEW Product Details drawer when viewing the new My Products page (coming soon) giving Brands the ability to quickly see detailed product information. Includes ability to see available variants of a single parent product.
  • (Coming soon) Trade Portal Collections

09 July 2024


Programa for Designers

  • Fix for redundant checkboxes in Shared Schedules, and some visual tweaks to bulk select in Pinboards (i.e. overlapping of checkbox and section divider).
  • Improvement for general lag performance in Product Library by implementing pagination.
  • (Coming soon) Programa Product AI feature now provides more relevant suggestions based on the user
  • NEW Ability to view the details of an existing tax rates that was set in Programa (and the split if viewing a combo rate) through the global Tax Settings page (go to your studio Settings -> Invoices -> Tax Settings table)


Programa for Brands

  • Fix for Brand Profile pages where the product name/card shouldn't continuing stretching when name is too long
  • Fix for issue where the count of products on the brand Profile page did not match the actual number of visible products in the Trade Portal

05 July 2024


Programa for Designers

  • Fixed issue in Project Management (new) where users were unable to use the "search people" feature on Project Details sidenav in Board view without refreshing the page
  • Resolved error when selecting more than 15 members in Project Management
  • Project Details in Project Management now displays assigned team members in the Timeline view with a 'counter' bubble after 3 team members.
  • Cosmetic and styling fixes for attachments in Project Management Task cards.


Programa for Brands

  • Work on new Collections feature (coming soon)
  • Fixed issue where the profile dropdown in the side nav wasn't working properly when clicking into the Brand Profile from the dashboard.

04 July 2024


Programa for Designers

  • Project Management (coming soon)
    • Fix for automatically closing a task upon uploading an attachment, especially for images
  • Fixed issue with tax rates not saving/applying correctly in invoices

02 July 2024


Programa for Designers

  • Project Management (coming soon) - Ability to add team members to projects in Board view

Programa for Brands

  • Resolved issue causing product image grid to stop displaying in the new Brands directory
  • Updated the individual lead emails template
  • UI updates for the Brand and sub-Brand profile page
  • Fixes to demo link, plans page visibility, and upgrade call-to-action

01 July 2024


Programa for Designers

  • Project Management (coming soon)
    • Resolved issue where Tasks were not updating automatically after save
    • Fixed subtasks swaying effect, prevented deletion confirmation pop-up from opening on naming a subtask, and enabled viewing the latest number of subtasks without needing to refresh the page
    • Users can now scroll through long tasks and save them without any issues
    • Ability to edit and delete phases directly from the Project information sidenav, including updating phase name and timeframe
    • Fix for Task Target Date picker


Programa for Brands

  • Updated Plans for new plans launch
  • Fixed the issue where clicking "View all products" on Brand Profile page redirects to Latest Products tab instead of showing all products.
Table of contents
  1. Task Management
  2. Phases
  3. Dynamic Views
  4. Prepare your Studio
  5. Key Changes
  6. Detailed Steps for Current Studio WIP Users
  7. Future Releases
  8. Support
  9. Interior Design Software For Professional Interior Designers
    1. Programa Interior Design Software: A Comprehensive Project Management and Collaboration Solution for Architects and Interior Designers
    2. User-friendly Interface and Tools for Seamless Project Management
    3. Information about how Programa handles your data
    4. Introduction
    5. Our Values<br />
    6. Why we process your information
    7. <br />Your rights over your information
    8. Where we transfer your information<br />
    9. How long do we retain your information
    10. Our use of advanced technologies<br />
    11. How we protect your information<br />
    12. How we use “cookies” and other tracking technologies<br />
    13. How you can reach us
    14. Types of data we collect and process<br />
    15. What Personal Data we receive<br />
    16. Retention
    17. Our purpose for using your personal data
    18. Disclosing your personal data<br />
    19. Changes to this Privacy Policy
    20. Additional Privacy Information for Brands & Suppliers<br />
    21. When and why we share your information with others
    22. Your rights over your information
    23. How long we retain your information
    24. Your customers’ information
    25. Additional Information about how we process data globally
    26. Processing data globally to fulfil our service obligations
    27. United States Regional Privacy Notice
    28. What information we collect and share about you
    29. Why we collect and share your Personal Information
    30. Sources of Personal Information
    31. How long we keep your information
    32. Why Winning Work Matters for Interior Designers
    33. The Benefits of CRM Software for Interior Designers
    34. Using Project Management Tools as a CRM
    35. Outcome
  10. Interior Design & Architecture Software For Professional Interior Designers & Architects
  11. Recognized for Excellence in Design Software
  12. Key Benefits:
  13. Information about the Programa Terms of Service
    1. 1. Account Terms
    2. 2. Account Activation
    3. 3. Programa Rights
    4. 4. Your Responsibilities
    5. 5. Payment of Fees and Taxes
    6. 6. Confidentiality
    7. 7. Limitation of Liability and Indemnification
    8. 8. Intellectual Property and Your Materials
    9. 9. Additional Services - Programa In App Communication Tools<br />
    10. 10. Third Party Services and Integrations<br />
    11. 11. Beta Services<br />
    12. 12. Feedback and Reviews<br />
    13. 13. Takedown Procedure
    14. 14. Privacy and Data Protection
    15. 15. Programa Contracting Party
    16. 16. Term and Termination
    17. 17. Modifications<br />
    18. 18. General Conditions
  14. <strong>Contact Support</strong>
    1. Spreadsheets Weren’t Built for Interior Design
    2. Specification Simplified: Say Goodbye to Arduous Data Entry
    3. Always Up-to-Date: Live Schedules for Real-Time Collaboration
    4. Seamless Sharing and Client Communication
    5. Build Your Own Product Libraries
    6. Eliminate Stress with Real-Time Version Control
    7. Track, Manage, Deliver: Stay On Top of Your Projects
    8. Effortless Integration and Customization
    9. Join Thousands of Designers Transforming Their Workflows with Programa
    10. Key Features:
    11. Design For Behaviour
    12. How It Works
    13. Viewing Your Schedule
    14. Approving Products
    15. The Benefits of the Client Dashboard
  15. Streamlining the A&D industry – it’s about time.
    1. In a discussion with Yasmine Ghoniem, Director of Sydney-based interior design studio YSG, we delve into the studio's founding story, cultural ethos, and groundbreaking projects.
    2. Based in Sydney, YSG is a multi-disciplinary practice trailblazing architectural builds and interior design across the residential, commercial, and hospitality sectors. The studio charges spaces with atmospheric potency, staging, and storytelling driving their narrative process. With bold concepts and resourceful details, YSG's projects hopefully stir the soul and spark an emotive drive to feel one's best self within them.
    3. The Issue
    4. The Result
    5. The Solution
      1. Tasks: The Building Blocks of Effortless Studio Management
      2. Phases: Your Project's Roadmap to Success
      3. The Magic of Combining Tasks and Phases
      4. Getting Started is a Breeze
    6. Fixed Image Layouts
    7. Web Clipper Scraper
    8. Hyperlinked URLs
    9. Improved Notes Visibility in Presentation Mode
    10. Pinboards & Client Dashboard Integration
      1. Information about the Programa In App Payment Services
      2. <br />The Programa Payments Service
      3. Getting a Payments Services Account
      4. Processing Card Transactions and Receiving Your Funds
      5. <strong>Termination and Other General Legal Terms</strong>
      6. 1. Definitions
      7. 2. Details of Processing
      8. 3. European Union and United Kingdom
      9. 4. US Users / Consumers
      10. 5. General
      11. Appendix 1: Details of Processing
    11. <strong>Why Programa is a Better Choice</strong>
    12. <strong>Easy Transition</strong>
    13. Schedules Update:
    14. Client Dashboard & Brag Stats
    15. Pinboards Update
    16. Web Clipper Update
    17. On the Horizon
    18. Task Management: Keeping Every Detail in Check
    19. Phases: Breaking Down Your Projects
    20. Combining Studio & Task Management for Optimal Workflow
    21. Getting Started: Setting Up Your Tasks & Phases
    22. Bringing it all together.
    23. The impracticalities of using generic software
    24. Enter Programa.
    25. Remove unnecessary stress and double handling with Programa:
      1. Streamlining Interior Design Workflow with Programa: Studio Heim's Success Story
    26. With Programa’s Purchase Orders, you can:
    27. 12 July 2024
    28. 09 July 2024
    29. 05 July 2024
    30. 04 July 2024
    31. 02 July 2024
    32. 01 July 2024
Reading: Release Notes, Start of July 2024
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Keep pace with the dynamic evolution of our Programa platform through our comprehensive Release Notes for July 2024, spanning from the beginning to the end of the month. Delve into the intricacies of the latest updates tailored for designers and brands alike. With a focus on enhancing user experience and optimizing functionality, our updates include the implementation of tax feedback, improvements in QuickBooks integration, and fixes for various issues ranging from product deletion processes to PDF export glitches. Technical enhancements such as mutation flow refactorization and removal of unused components underline our commitment to refining the platform's performance and efficiency. Whether you're a designer seeking streamlined project management tools or a brand aiming for enhanced product visibility and management, our Release Notes offer valuable insights into the ongoing evolution of Programa. Stay informed, stay ahead.