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Release Notes - End of April 2024

Stay up to date with what's recently been released in April.
Updated: 24 July 2024

29 April 2024


Programa for Designers

  • Fix for selected Tax rates in Projects that weren't clearing/selecting properly
  • Suppliers are now alphabetised in Purchase Orders @cellina
  • Fix failed project validation with tax rates


Programa for Brands

  • Improved pagination on Products, Leads and Quote Requests pages
  • Fix for text issues in PDF export that was either too small or truncated
  • Fix so that Brand Profile sections respects subscription tiers
  • Update to admin csv dry run process to have the result file be sent via email
  • Added step to cleanup unused Product Option Value in CSV product upload flow

24 April 2024


Programa for Designers

  • Implementation of Tax feedback
  • Label in Price to include showing whether amount is inclusive or exclusive.
  • QuickBooks integration work continued - fetch or create products
  • Script for migrating tax rates from stripe on Go Live


Programa for Brands

  • Correct timestamp format for archived leads
  • Update variant parsing logic for csv product uploads

22 April 2024


Programa for Designers

  • Ability to fetch tax rates and read/write contact details from QuickBooks when integration goes live
  • Added Turks & Caicos to available countries
  • Fix for issues with subscription billing and upgrading
  • Ability to see which rates were set as Default in Global tax settings
  • Better labelling in top summary bar in Schedules indicating whether rates are inclusive or exclusive


Technical Updates and Programa for Brands

  • Fix for product deletion process for Brands and Suppliers which was slow and non-performant
  • Additional test coverage for new functionality.
  • Ensuring retrieval of existing product option values return the same data type for brand CSV import

16 April 2024


Programa for Designers

  • Work on QuickBooks integration coming soon
  • Fix for truncated text in PDF exports
  • Work on Tax functionality coming soon.
  • Fix for the issue that prevented Org and Profile image upload in Settings
  • Removed the suggestion for searching by Tags in Pinboards
  • Fix for missing Navigation Buttons in Shared Schedules Lightbox
  • Fix for Procurement Hub error where it was switched on for user, but they were unable to access Procurement Hub.
  • Fix for export PDF in schedules where the notes field was not appearing in the exported Schedule PDF
  • Fix for the Schedule Filter dropdown labels which had an underscore

Programa for Brands

  • Visual tweaks to the left hand menu labels
  • Added search functionality to the new My Products page coming soon
  • Added a check to prevent re-uploading already existing documents on Products

15 April 2024



Ability for notes on products in Schedules to be hidden on PDF exports.

If you have any data within the 'Notes' section of a product, when generating a Schedule PDF (bulk select or entire schedule), you can select to not include this in your PDF Export. This is accessible from the sidenav options menu when you're exporting.


Other updates

Programa for Designers

  • System will ignore duplicate requests to copy the same project when a project copy job is already underway. There is no visual treatment to warn you, it will just ignore any duplicate requests.
  • Fix for removing products from the Client Dashboard Schedule thumbnail when marked as 'Hidden'.
  • Additional trigger for opening Intercom live chat when you access the help centre to better help you when you need it.

Programa for Brands

  • Product data carrier for upcoming Brands Dashboard
Reading: Release Notes, End of April 2024
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Keep pace with the dynamic evolution of our Programa platform through our comprehensive Release Notes for April 2024, spanning from the beginning to the end of the month. Delve into the intricacies of the latest updates tailored for designers and brands alike. With a focus on enhancing user experience and optimizing functionality, our updates include the implementation of tax feedback, improvements in QuickBooks integration, and fixes for various issues ranging from product deletion processes to PDF export glitches. Technical enhancements such as mutation flow refactorization and removal of unused components underline our commitment to refining the platform's performance and efficiency. Whether you're a designer seeking streamlined project management tools or a brand aiming for enhanced product visibility and management, our Release Notes offer valuable insights into the ongoing evolution of Programa. Stay informed, stay ahead.